Agricultural Products
Bright production companies specialize in growing cereals and oilseeds, including wheat, corn, soybeans, and sunflowers for further supplies to the European market. The company uses a scientifically sound approach to crop rotation, which, along with advanced agricultural technologies, allows to increase yields and improve arable land quality.
Bright actively uses modern technologies in its activity. An innovative step was the introduction of the company “Electronic journals of the agronomist” – a unique in-house development of monitoring the condition of crops and the quality of fieldwork.
Today, all agronomists of the company have tablets that allow you to keep operational records of sown areas, identify problem points promptly, and make decisions on appropriate corrective action. The company also uses unmanned aerial vehicles – quadcopters – to monitor crops.
Thanks to the updated fleet of equipment, the company has the opportunity to perform agro-technical operations in the optimal time, which reduces production costs and increases profitability. The company plans to further increase yields through the introduction of modern scientific developments and optimization of technological operations.